Grouper Documentation
Grouper Documentation
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Grouper: RSS manager, XML converter, website scraper
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Grouper - Documentation

Getting Started: Free Download | Purchase | Install
Reference: Functions | Plugins | Themes
Etc.: Configure | Affiliates


Configuration of Grouper is primarily performed using the functions GrouperConf (for core application options) and GrouperSourceConf (for feed-source specific options). You may insert the configuration code into the individual pages where you are processing each feed, or you may override Grouper's default configuration by inserting GrouperConf calls in the file grouperconf.php (which is found in the same directory as grouper.php). Putting the overrides in grouperconf.php, rather than modifying grouper.php, makes upgrading easier, because it enables you to overwrite grouper.php without losing or having to redo your changes.

For a list of configuration options and examples of each, please select a topic: For information about Grouper Evolution plugins not covered by these topics, please refer to the plugins page.