Grouper Documentation
Grouper Documentation
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Grouper: RSS manager, XML converter, website scraper
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Grouper - Documentation

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Function Reference

Click below for more details and a usage for each function.

GrouperConvert Convert specified data to an RSS feed and output it.
GrouperSearch Perform a search on the specified terms and output the results in RSS format.
GrouperConf Change one of Grouper's configuration settings.
GrouperSourceConf Change one of the configuration settings for the currently loaded Grouper input source.
GrouperLoadPlugin Load a Grouper Evolution plugin.
GrouperClearCache Clear out Grouper's cache folder.
GrouperClearCacheFile Delete one file from Grouper's cache folder.
Less commonly used functions:
GrouperCacheData Retrieve and cache data from a non-search source.
GrouperCacheSearch Perform a search on the specified terms and caches, but does not output, the results.
GrouperGetCache Retrieve data from Grouper's cache.
GrouperGetSearchCache Retrieve data from Grouper's cache, and set the search terms used to generate the cache.
GrouperDataPath Get the path to Grouper's cache folder.
GrouperConfReset Reset Grouper's configuration to it's default settings.
Depricated as of Grouper 1.6:
GrouperShow Process input data and output an RSS feed -- replaced by GrouperConvert and GrouperSearch.
GrouperCache Store an unmodified copy of Grouper's source data in Grouper's cache -- replaced by GrouperCacheData and GrouperCacheSearch.
GrouperSourceURL Set the URL from which Grouper will access data. As of Grouper 1.6, calling this function directly is unnecessary because GrouperConvert and GrouperCacheData call it for you.