Grouper Documentation
Grouper Documentation
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Grouper: RSS manager, XML converter, website scraper
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Grouper - Documentation

Getting Started: Free Download | Purchase | Install
Reference: Functions | Plugins | Themes
Etc.: Configure | Affiliates

Affiliate Marketing RSS Feeds Example

Get the source code for this example
To use the example code, replace the following with your information: "YOUR ADSENSE ADVERTISER ID GOES HERE" (click the button to the left to sign up if you're not already an AdSense affiliate), "/YOUR/PATH/TO/carp/carp.php", and "http://WWW.YOUR-DOMAIN.COM/AND/PATH/TO/" (the directory containing amazon2rss.php). NOTE: The AdSense version of the example code requires CaRP Evolution's FlexFormat plugin.

[CaRP] XML error: Invalid document end at line 2 - Unknown document format.